Feeling a bit unsure about how to get your house all set for the market? No worries, because there are some really great steps you can take before listing your home that can really boost your chances of getting some fantastic offers from eager buyers. From giving everything a good cleaning and adding those finishing touches with staging, to giving your space a fresh look with a new coat of paint and making it feel welcoming by removing personal touches, here's a checklist of 15 helpful things you can do before putting your home on the market.

15 Things To Do Before Putting Your Home on the Market

1. Declutter and Clean

Getting your home ready for sale is like getting it dressed up for a special occasion. It's crucial to clean and declutter your space before putting it on the market for several reasons. First impressions matter a lot, and a clean and tidy home makes a positive impact on potential buyers right from the start. When your home is clutter-free, it allows buyers to see its best features and imagine themselves living there. A neutral and well-maintained space also helps buyers connect emotionally and envision how they could personalize it.

Start by decluttering your home. Remove personal items, excess furniture, and any clutter that could make your space look smaller or less appealing. Clean your home thoroughly, including carpets, windows, and appliances.

2. Repairs and Maintenance

Getting your home all spiffed up with repairs and maintenance before selling is like giving it a little makeover before a big date – it makes a world of difference. When you fix things up and keep everything in shipshape, your home becomes a magnet for potential buyers. It's like saying, "Hey, come check out this awesome, move-in ready place!"

Plus, a well-maintained home not only looks great but also gives buyers peace of mind. They won't have to worry about unexpected repairs right after moving in. And guess what? This can make your home sell faster and maybe even fetch a higher price. So, roll up those sleeves, tackle those repairs, fix leaky faucets, replace broken tiles, patch up holes in the walls, and ensure that all systems (plumbing, electrical, HVAC) are in working order.

3. Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is like the dazzling outfit your home wears to make a fantastic first impression on everyone passing by. When you spruce up the outside of your house, it's like giving it a friendly wave and saying the inside is awesome too! Taking care of the exterior – things like fresh paint, tidy landscaping, and a well-maintained front entrance – not only makes your home look inviting but also tells potential buyers that you've taken great care of the whole place. A charming and well-kept exterior can draw people in, make them excited to see what's inside, and even boost the overall value of your home.

Outdoor Features That Add Value To Your Home

4. Neutralize and Depersonalize

Neutralizing and depersonalizing your home is like creating a blank canvas for potential buyers to paint their dreams upon. By toning down personalized touches and bold colors, you're letting them imagine their own style and stories within the space. Removing family photos and personal items helps buyers picture their own lives unfolding in the rooms. By creating a more neutral backdrop, you're inviting them to see the home as a fresh start, making it easier for them to connect emotionally. So, consider it like setting the stage for their happily ever after in the home sweet home you're sharing with them.

5. Stage Your Home

Staging your home can be a game-changer when it comes to selling. Think of it as creating a show-stopping performance to wow your audience – the potential buyers. Staging involves arranging furniture, decor, and even a few well-chosen props to highlight your home's best features and create a welcoming atmosphere. It helps buyers visualize how the space could work for them, making it easier for them to fall in love with the idea of living there. Staging can also make rooms appear more spacious and showcase the home's potential.

Consider hiring a professional stager to arrange furniture and decor in a way that highlights your home's best features and maximizes its visual appeal. Remember, first impressions count and a professionally staged home can make a stunning one. It often leads to quicker sales and even better offers because buyers can see the full potential of the space. Consider staging as your secret weapon to make your home shine bright and stand out in the competitive real estate market.

Home Staging

6. Professional Photography

Using professional photography for your home is a smart move that can make a significant difference when selling. Think of it as capturing your home's best angles and lighting to create a dazzling online showcase. High-quality photos taken by a professional photographer can make your home look its absolute best, attracting more potential buyers and making a strong first impression.

Good photos can highlight your home's unique features, showcase its layout, and capture the essence of each room. When potential buyers browse listings online, eye-catching photos can draw them in and make them eager to schedule a viewing. It's like presenting your home in its best possible light, making it more likely to stand out in a crowded market.

Professional photography isn't just about showing off your home – it's about telling a story that invites buyers to imagine themselves living there. So, consider it an investment that can lead to more interest, showings, and ultimately, a successful sale.

7. Set the Right Price

Pricing your home correctly is like setting the stage for a successful sale. It's a delicate balancing act that requires careful consideration and strategy. Setting the right price from the beginning can greatly impact how quickly your home sells and the offers you receive.

pricing vs potential buyers

Pricing too high might scare away potential buyers, and your home could sit on the market longer than necessary. On the other hand, pricing too low might mean leaving money on the table. It's like finding the sweet spot where your home's value meets current market conditions.

To get it right, you'll want to work with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can analyze comparable sales (known as "comps") in your area, consider your home's unique features, and factor in current market trends. They'll help you arrive at a competitive price that attracts buyers while ensuring you get fair value for your property.

Remember, the right price can generate more interest and competition among buyers, potentially leading to a quicker sale and a smoother transaction. So, consider pricing your home thoughtfully – it's a key ingredient in the recipe for a successful home sale.

8. Gather Documentation

Gathering documentation related to your home is a wise step when preparing to sell. Think of it as creating a comprehensive portfolio that showcases your home's history and helps build buyer confidence. Having organized and readily accessible documents can streamline the home selling process and provide valuable information to potential buyers.

Collect important documents related to your home, such as HOA documents if applicable, property tax records, property surveys, warranties, renovation and repair records, and appliance manuals. Having these documents organized and available can instill confidence in buyers and demonstrate your transparency as a seller. It can also expedite the due diligence process and address any potential concerns upfront. So, gather up those papers and create a resourceful package that helps tell the story of your home.

9. Marketing Strategy

Work with a real estate agent to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. This could include online listings, open houses, virtual tours, and targeted advertising. A well-executed marketing strategy can create a buzz and generate more interest in your home, potentially leading to quicker offers and a successful sale. So, collaborate with your real estate agent to create a tailored plan that effectively showcases your home's charm and value.

10. Legal and Financial Considerations

Understand the legal requirements and financial implications of selling your home. Navigating the legal and financial aspects of selling your home requires careful attention to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Think of it as the backstage work that ensures your show goes off without a hitch.

It's essential to work closely with professionals, such as real estate agents, attorneys, and financial advisors, to ensure you understand the legal and financial implications of selling your home. Taking these considerations seriously can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure a successful and worry-free sale process.

11. Pre-Inspection

Consider getting a pre-inspection done before listing your home. It's like giving your house a health check before it steps into the real estate spotlight. With a pre-inspection, you can uncover any hidden issues or repairs that might come up later. This helps you set the right price, boosts buyer confidence, and even speeds up the selling process. It's like showing your home's report card to potential buyers, making them feel good about their choice.

However, keep in mind that a pre-inspection isn't mandatory. If you choose not to do one, make sure to thoroughly address any known issues and provide accurate disclosure to potential buyers. Ultimately, the decision to do a pre-inspection depends on your specific circumstances and how comfortable you are with addressing any potential hurdles before listing your home.

12. Flexible Showings

Being flexible when it comes to showing your home is a smart approach that can greatly benefit your selling process. Think of it as opening the door to more opportunities and potential buyers. Flexibility allows you to accommodate different schedules and preferences, making it easier for interested buyers to view your home. While it might require some adjustments to your daily routine, it can lead to more showings and increased exposure for your property.

By being open to flexible showing times, you're showing genuine interest in potential buyers' needs and making it more convenient for them to explore your home. This can create a positive impression and enhance the overall experience for buyers. Remember, the goal is to make your home as accessible as possible to those interested in purchasing it. So, consider being flexible with showing times as a way to cast a wider net and increase your chances of attracting the right buyer. It's a small investment of time that can yield significant returns in the form of a quicker sale.

13. Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

When it's time to show off your home to potential buyers, think of it as hosting a warm and inviting get-together. Clean up your space, let the sunlight in, and create a cozy atmosphere with a touch of soft music. Give folks the chance to explore freely, and don't forget to share some handy info about your home's special features. If you have furry friends, maybe let them hang out with a friend during showtime. And speaking of safety, it's a good idea to keep valuables tucked away.

Flexible scheduling and a friendly attitude go a long way, and don't hesitate to ask for feedback from the real estate team. Your home is the star of the show, so let its charm shine bright and make potential buyers feel right at home.

14. Negotiation Preparation

Getting ready for negotiations is like putting on your favorite comfy shoes before a friendly chat. Start by knowing the lowest price you're comfortable with and understanding your home's value in the market. Be prepared to talk about your home's cool features and any improvements you've made. Keep an open mind, listen to the buyer's needs, and be patient – negotiations can take a little time.

Discuss your strategy with your real estate agent and consider factors like the lowest acceptable price, contingencies, and potential concessions. Your real estate agent is like your negotiation buddy, offering great advice and strategies. Remember, it's all about finding a win-win solution that leaves everyone smiling. So, put on your negotiation hat, have a positive attitude, and get ready to work out a deal that feels just right for you and the buyer. Be prepared for negotiations.

15. Be Ready to Move

Thinking about what comes next after selling your home is a clever move that can make your whole transition feel like a well-orchestrated dance. Starting early means you have time to sort out details, like decluttering and researching your new neighborhood. You can budget wisely, book reliable movers, and even make sure your utilities smoothly transfer over. Plus, it's your chance to let friends and important folks know about your exciting change. By planning ahead, you'll have a stress-free move and be all set to start your next adventure with a smile.